Safety & Accessibility for Improvised Venues and Unconventional Events

A community resource planned & facilitated by Control Group Productions

In 2020 we spent some time rethinking how we can bring more sustainability and responsibility to how we operate, how we collaborate, and how we participate in our community.

Among other things, we started developing an in-house emergency safety planning process that would support our nomadic programming model. We were also rethinking accessibility practices. We quickly recognized two things:

  1. Safety practices are basically accommodations, and correlate closely to accessibility

  2. A lot of what we were putting together should be established standard practices but isn't.

We certainly aren't experts, but we think this is some useful stuff, and we figured that, if we've done the work to gather it together, why should anyone else ever have to do that work again? So we started thinking about how we could share it.

Then we realized that a lot of other people had figured out stuff we hadn't, and that stuff would be worth sharing as well.

So at this point, the vision is to:

  1. Finalize our in-house planning (imminent).

  2. Convert it into a free online modular community resource (late 2021).

  3. Create a process for other artists and orgs to add to what's there, dialog about what's not there, and generally share ownership (2022 and beyond).

So, welcome to SAIVUE! (Safety & Accessibility for Improvised Venues and Unconventional Events). We'll be rolling out in late 2021.

Please reach out if...

  • you're interested in hearing more about the SAIVUE!

  • you can't wait to put the SAIVUE! to use.

  • you're interested in helping build the SAIVUE!

  • you have a much better platform for this than we do! We're very aware that we're not the best long-term home for this, but... no one else is doing it, so...


Patrick Mueller
Artistic Director, Control Group Productions


Your Support (Means So Much)


Safety & Accessibility at After the Flood